Love.Kare.Trust Foundation (LKT) actively seeks support in any mode from individuals, groups and organizations which intend to contribute towards the organization’s stated objectives. Being a legally registered entity in Switzerland under the umbrella foundation “Fondation des Fondateurs”, all contributions from individuals or entities in Switzerland will be eligible for income tax benefits under the relevant provisions of Swiss Income Tax laws. In case of donors being residents of countries other than Switzerland, we will be glad to work with you to help avail income tax benefits on contributions to LKT as per the legal tax provisions of the respective countries.
LKT offers the following donation possibilities to you as the donor:
- > Foundation Contribution – Any amount you would donate goes to the fund pool of the foundation and is used for the next disbursal for a beneficiary.
- > Full Sponsorship – You may sponsor a family’s entire expense. This will include the subsidised treatments, education costs of the patient’s children, family support for expenses .
- > Treatment Sponsorship – You may sponsor the treatment of a patient. In our active program in Pune region in India, following are the approximate estimates:
- >> a. Out-patient Chemotherapy – 399 $ per cycle
- >> b. CT/ PET Scan – 199 $ per scan
- >> c. Surgery (depends ) – 1999 $) Surgery + 5 Days post-Op care
- >> d. Radiation therapy – TBD
- > Education sponsorship – You may choose to sponsor the education of a patient’s children. The donation will be used to pay the tuition fees from the school, bills for the books and stationery, bills for school uniforms and bags etc.
- > Education Insurance : You may sponsor a fund for the higher education of the children. This will be a one time payment used to purchase an insurance product for the higher education of the children. An estimated donation for this sponsorship is expected to be around 1500 $.
- > Family Support Sponsorship – You may sponsor the family expenses for a patient, especially when the sole bread earner of the family is under treatment. In this special case, we only accept a minimum commitment of 2 years monthly support for the family. Estimated from the data in Pune region, a monthly recurring donation of a minimum of 100 $ will have to be promised.
- > Administration Sponsorship – You may choose to sponsor the administrative costs of our foundation, partially or fully. The details may be discussed bilaterally.